About Annie
Hi Beautiful Being, I'm Annie – the visionary behind the V Vitamins. I'm fueled by my mission to educate and empower women to experience peak pleasure in and out of the bedroom.
Growing up, I was raised in a household that believed in the healing properties of Mother Earth, so I'm the ultimate naturalista. Therefore, when my BF kept giving me BV it inspired me to search for a natural treatment for it. What I discovered was the miraculous mineral from Mother Earth herself, designed to keep women at our perfect pH balance.
Driven by my desire to help women be their own healer, I shared my remedy with the world and we have helped tens of thousands of women heal themselves at home and improve their intimate experiences and confidence.
Every bottle is blessed, smudged with Palo Santo, and prayed over. We pour positive energy and healing intentions into every package. If you're ready to put healthcare in your hands and heal yourself at home of BV, yeast infections, and other vaginal issues, click here to experience our suppositories superpowers for yourself.
I love you. I'm so grateful you're here. And I'm speaking decades of health, happiness, peace, prosperity and pleasure over your life.