Juneteenth meaning of juneteenth Why is Juneteenth a black holiday? Why did they call it Juneteenth? Why did they call it Juneteenth? vaginal health bv yeast infections  home remedies Juneteenth foods african american history

All About Juneteenth And Its Historical Significance

Today we celebrate June 19th, 1865. The day slavery came to an end and my ancestors were set free. As a black female entrepreneur, I stand on the shoulders of all my ancestors and deeply honor the legacy of those who came before me and paved the way for me to be here today. Our journey has been shaped by the support and trust of our community over the last 4 years and we believe in giving back in the most special of ways. So keep reading to know more about how your cousins at V Vitamins are celebrating the resilience, solidarity of strength and beauty of Black culture this Juneteenth 🖤

What Is Juneteenth Celebrated For? 

What does Juneteenth mean to me? Well, it serves as a reminder of the ongoing journey towards equality and empowerment for the Black community. Because even after 159 years of freedom, the struggle still remains REAL 😩. Which is why one of our core values at V Vitamins is Community and Inclusion. We're a multicultural company of over 20+ employees from a diverse background of countries and cultures. And we build safe, supportive spaces from women of all ethnicities, ages, shapes and sizes to connect with and uplift each other. I personally have experienced the venom of being excluded, judged and denied things simply because of my skin tone. Which is why I consciously work daily to create safe spaces for you to be vulnerable, share your experiences, ask questions and receive the support you deserve without discrimination 💗

Celebrating African American History 

Today’s celebration is marked by various activities like parades, picnics and bar-b-q’s. And we want to honor this day with purpose and pride. That means a portion of the proceeds will be donated to select HBCU students🥳 That lets you be blessing, while receiving a blessing! Your miracle suppositories are naturally derived from Mother Earth and crafted with so much love and healing intention for your vagina. So not only do they eliminate vaginal infections to keep you #BVFree. They also #ProtectYourP from yeast, transform you into the tastiest treat and give you a WAP that don’t stop. In addition to perfecting your pH quickly, safely and gently 🌱 So if you want a #Juicy Juneteenth run, don’t walk to vvitamins.com now to stock up and contribute to a scholarship fund for HBCU students 🤎

Natural Remedies For A Juicy Juneteenth

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey and a precious part of our community. Thank you supporting my black owned business and creating opportunities for economic equality for me and my family. Our business thrives because of the support and loyalty of customers like you, who believe in our mission and values 💖 We’re grateful for each and every purchase, testimonial, repost and referral! Your support means the world to us. And we’re wishing you a lifetime of freedom, protection and safety💖 ✨ Have a blessed Juneteenth

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