Tips and Tricks To Talk To Someone About BV

Tips and Tricks To Talk To Someone About BV

Ever found yourself in that awkward spot where your home girl's struggling with her hygiene and you're itching to have that chat with her but don’t know how? Let's keep it real for a moment. As women, we've all experienced those times when things down there don't feel quite right. Yet, we rarely talk about it. Even though this happens to the best of us and sometimes even people around us. One of the most common dilemmas is dealing with that persistent fishy odor that often signals Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).. And when it’s your home girls’ or even a colleague at work who might be dealing with it, it could be really hard to have the talk. But don’t sweat it, we’ve got you. We’ll be equipping you with the tips and tricks you need to have that conversation with your girlies 💗

What is BV? 

Before we unpack this.. what is BV? Bacterial Vaginosis is a vaginal infection that makes your discharge smell like fish. This is caused by an imbalance in the bacteria in your vagina. Usually, the good bacteria, called lactobacilli, keeps everything in check. But sometimes, the bad bacteria takes over, leading to fish odor, thin, grayish-white discharge and itching or irritation. While it’s not something people talk about at brunch, you still have to be a proactive baddie and have that heart to heart with the girlies around you who might be dealing with BV and are too embarrassed to ask for help.


How To Talk To Someone About BV

    1. Choose the Right Moment

When it comes to talking about something as personal as vaginal odor, timing and setting are everything. Keep in mind that she already feels self-conscious; the last thing you want is to add to her discomfort by bringing it up in front of others. Instead, pick a moment when you’re alone together, somewhere private and comfortable. This could be during a cozy night in with some wine or while you’re on the phone. Creating a safe space shows her that you care and that your intention is to help, not embarrass. This also makes it easier for her to open up and makes a huge difference in how the conversation goes. 

    2.   Talk the Talk

Now addressing the elephant in the room - is the part where we all struggle! But here’s the thing, be kind and direct. Find the sweet spot between honesty and empathy. You want to be upfront without making her feel embarrassed or defensive. So, how do you start? Begin with a gentle approach that shows you care. Here’s a way to kick things off:

“Hey [Her Name], I need to talk to you about something personal and sensitive. When can we have this chat?” 

Once the time comes, say this if you’ve had BV before: 

“Recently, I've noticed some symptoms that seem related to BV which is a vaginal infection that makes you smell like fish. I'm not a medical expert, but I've had BV before and every time I’ve smelled like fish it’s been BV. I know how uncomfortable this is to deal with and I want you to know you’re not dirty and your kitty isn’t broken. BV is quite common and nothing to be embarrassed about. It's just one of those things that happens and is totally treatable. I know it's not the most comfortable topic to talk about, but I know an all natural solution called V Vitamins that’ll treat it quickly, safely and gently. I can send you their website and instagram to check out.”


Say this if you’ve never had BV before:

“Recently, I've noticed some symptoms that seem related to BV which is a vaginal infection that makes you smell like fish. I'm not a medical expert, but from what I've learned, BV is quite common and nothing to be embarrassed about. It's just one of those things that happens and is totally treatable. I know it's not the most comfortable topic to talk about, but I know an all natural solution called V Vitamins that’ll treat it quickly, safely and gently. I can send you their website and Instagram to check out.”

With this, you’re being real while wrapping it in a warm blanket of care. It might feel nerve-wracking, but trust me, she'll appreciate your genuine concern and your willingness to have her back. So take a deep breath, girl, and cut to the chase.

     3. Be a Proactive Baddie

At V Vitamins, we are all about educating and empowering women to put their healthcare in their hands. And with our all natural miracle suppositories, you can help the girlies around you beat the BV battle and restore their confidence. The V Vitamins are designed to help your body fight BV naturally. They work by replenishing the good bacteria in your vagina, keeping you at your perfect pH while preventing the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. So after pointing out the problem, you offer a solution.


This way, you’re giving her a concrete, actionable step she can take to address the issue. Plus, presenting it as something you’ve learned about and are excited to share takes away some of the awkwardness and makes it more of a friendly recommendation than a shameful conversation. Girl, give yourself a pat on the back for taking a bold step to help a girl in times of need, we’re super proud of you. So go ahead, click here now to be that proactive baddie and help the girlies reclaim their confidence. You’ve got this!✨We love you, we’re praying for you and wish you a lifetime of good health and happiness 💖

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